Saturday, January 9, 2010

Les ruisseaux dans le désert.

Years ago a sweet friend, B.C.C., told me about the devotional aid Streams in the Desert. She was one of those friends that came into my life for a season and I will be continually thankful for her godly influence. Anyways, I've dipped in and out of this devotional from time to time, but this morning I could hardly wait for some reason to open it (well actually bring it up online because my copy is at my apt in knox.) The words took me to the book of Hosea, the happening of a man who marries a prostitute who leaves him many times for other lovers. It is a story that many have rewritten and seen exemplified in their own lives as they look at how they have been a just as unfaithful to Jesus. But today, the excerpt focused on verses 14 and 15, "Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. there I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope." Mrs. Cowman write how odd it is that there, in the desert, the Lord provides a vineyard, and there in the Valley of Achor, which means bitterness, He creates hope.

This reminded me of a conversation I had with my sweet brother J.C.S. when I went to visit him in early December. We had gone to a small hang out time with some old friends to play games and when we left he asked my one questions: "Why were you there?" He said he had been challenged by a good friend to ask that question of himself periodically to see where God had put him and for what purposes.

My answer, by the way, was, "to recognize old faces and to get a small glimpse of what the next phase of life (out of college) can look like."

The connection: I think that sometimes we walk into deserts and become consumed with our assumption of why we are there, so that when the vineyard is revealed we are uninterested and stubborn. At least I know I have.

On a completely other note, I am praying this morning for A.K.C. and M.E.A as they both are taking tests and interviewing, respectively. They are both brilliant and seeking the Lord for their futures. Much love to them.


anna c. said...

bless you. you're such a great friend. :) this post makes me so so excited about your blogging future! woo!

Kristin said...

I love that verse in Hosea! A very dear friend of mine painted a picture with that scripture painted over it and I love it--and then we talked about it this Sunday at FPCC :) And now I'm seeing it on your blog through your devotional-God has a funny way of working sometimes.